Adult comedy puppet show - pilot (Filmtrip Ltd) 2009
The Beat Hotel is a Class 13 hotel, meaning bottom of the barrel, a place that is required by law to meet only minimum health and safety standards. It’s run by Sherri Martini, a hippy who believes in free love and payment in trade rather than money, with a penchant for young Jim Morrison look-a-likes. She hasn’t lost her goal of keeping it beatnik, with some of the residents from that time, some from the present, and even one or two from well before the 60’s. From Rusty Lane, the 101 year old burlesque dancer, through to Jim Fawndah, the resident gym instructor, there is a general air of madness and never a dull moment.
Directed by Brian Philip Davis.
Developed by Gawain Morrison, Anna McCaughtry, Brian Philip Davis and Dave Kinghan.